04/12/2020 – La Palabra mundial del día – Viernes de la 1ª semana de Adviento – BIBLE – The global Word of the day – Los Ángeles – Estados Unidos de América





Dal libro del profeta Isaìa – Is 29,17-24  
Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo – Mt 9,27-31

From the Gospel according to Matthew
MT 9:27-31

Spanish audio

Audio: Marina Méndez

Evangelio según san Mateo – Capítulo 9 completo



Jesús cura a dos ciegos que creen en él.
Lectura del santo evangelio según san Mateo 9, 27-31

En aquel tiempo, dos ciegos seguían a Jesús, gritando:

«Ten compasión de nosotros, hijo de David».

Al llegar a la casa se le acercaron los ciegos, y Jesús les dijo: –

«¿Creéis que puedo hacerlo?».


«Sí, Señor».

Entonces les tocó los ojos, diciendo:

«Que os suceda conforme a vuestra fe».

Y se les abrieron los ojos. Jesús les ordenó severamente:

«¡Cuidado con que lo sepa alguien!».

Pero ellos, al salir, hablaron de él por toda la comarca.

Palabra del Señor



Date 04/12/2020


Lecture du livre du prophète Isaïe
(Is 29, 17-24)

Ainsi parle le Seigneur Dieu :
Ne le savez-vous pas ?
Encore un peu, très peu de temps,
et le Liban se changera en verger,
et le verger sera pareil à une forêt.
Les sourds, en ce jour-là,
entendront les paroles du livre.
Quant aux aveugles, sortant de l’obscurité et des ténèbres,
leurs yeux verront.
Les humbles se réjouiront de plus en plus
dans le Seigneur,
les malheureux exulteront
en Dieu, le Saint d’Israël.
Car ce sera la fin des tyrans,
l’extermination des moqueurs,
et seront supprimés tous ceux qui s’empressent à mal faire,
ceux qui font condamner quelqu’un par leur témoignage,
qui faussent les débats du tribunal
et sans raison font débouter l’innocent.
C’est pourquoi le Seigneur, lui qui a libéré Abraham,
parle ainsi à la maison de Jacob :
« Désormais Jacob n’aura plus de honte,
son visage ne pâlira plus ;
car, quand il verra chez lui ses enfants,
l’œuvre de mes mains,
il sanctifiera mon nom,
il sanctifiera le Dieu saint de Jacob,
il tremblera devant le Dieu d’Israël.
Les esprits égarés découvriront l’intelligence,
et les récalcitrants accepteront qu’on les instruise. »


Évangile de Jésus Christ selon saint Matthieu
(Mt 9, 27-31)

En ce temps-là,
Jésus était en route ;
deux aveugles le suivirent, en criant :
« Prends pitié de nous, fils de David ! »
Quand il fut entré dans la maison,
les aveugles s’approchèrent de lui,
et Jésus leur dit :
« Croyez-vous que je peux faire cela ? »
Ils lui répondirent :
« Oui, Seigneur. »
Alors il leur toucha les yeux, en disant :
« Que tout se passe pour vous selon votre foi ! »
Leurs yeux s’ouvrirent,
et Jésus leur dit avec fermeté :
« Attention ! que personne ne le sache ! »
Mais, une fois sortis,
ils parlèrent de lui dans toute la région.



Date 04/12/2020


Lecture du livre du prophète Isaïe
(Is 29, 17-24)

Ainsi parle le Seigneur Dieu :
Ne le savez-vous pas ?
Encore un peu, très peu de temps,
et le Liban se changera en verger,
et le verger sera pareil à une forêt.
Les sourds, en ce jour-là,
entendront les paroles du livre.
Quant aux aveugles, sortant de l’obscurité et des ténèbres,
leurs yeux verront.
Les humbles se réjouiront de plus en plus
dans le Seigneur,
les malheureux exulteront
en Dieu, le Saint d’Israël.
Car ce sera la fin des tyrans,
l’extermination des moqueurs,
et seront supprimés tous ceux qui s’empressent à mal faire,
ceux qui font condamner quelqu’un par leur témoignage,
qui faussent les débats du tribunal
et sans raison font débouter l’innocent.
C’est pourquoi le Seigneur, lui qui a libéré Abraham,
parle ainsi à la maison de Jacob :
« Désormais Jacob n’aura plus de honte,
son visage ne pâlira plus ;
car, quand il verra chez lui ses enfants,
l’œuvre de mes mains,
il sanctifiera mon nom,
il sanctifiera le Dieu saint de Jacob,
il tremblera devant le Dieu d’Israël.
Les esprits égarés découvriront l’intelligence,
et les récalcitrants accepteront qu’on les instruise. »


Évangile de Jésus Christ selon saint Matthieu
(Mt 9, 27-31)

En ce temps-là,
Jésus était en route ;
deux aveugles le suivirent, en criant :
« Prends pitié de nous, fils de David ! »
Quand il fut entré dans la maison,
les aveugles s’approchèrent de lui,
et Jésus leur dit :
« Croyez-vous que je peux faire cela ? »
Ils lui répondirent :
« Oui, Seigneur. »
Alors il leur toucha les yeux, en disant :
« Que tout se passe pour vous selon votre foi ! »
Leurs yeux s’ouvrirent,
et Jésus leur dit avec fermeté :
« Attention ! que personne ne le sache ! »
Mais, une fois sortis,
ils parlèrent de lui dans toute la région.


Data – 04/12/2020


Leitura do Livro do Profeta Isaías (Is 29,17-24)

Assim fala o Senhor Deus: Dentro de pouco tempo, não se transformará o Líbano em jardim? E não poderá o jardim tornar-se floresta? Naquele dia, os surdos ouvirão as palavras do livro e os olhos dos cegos verão, no meio das trevas e das sombras. Os humildes aumentarão sua alegria no Senhor, e os mais pobres dos homens se rejubilarão no Santo de Israel; fracassou o prepotente, desapareceu o trapaceiro, e sucumbiram todos os malfeitores precoces, os que faziam os outros pecar por palavras, e armavam ciladas ao juiz à porta da cidade e atacavam o justo com palavras falsas. Isto diz o Senhor à casa de Jacó, ele que libertou Abraão: “Agora, Jacó não mais terá de envergonhar-se nem seu rosto terá de enrubescer; quando contemplarem as obras de minhas mãos, hão de honrar meu nome no meio do povo, honrarão o Santo de Jacó, e temerão o Deus de Israel; os homens de espírito inconstante conseguirão sabedoria e os maldizentes concordarão em aprender”.


Evangelho de Jesus Cristo + segundo Mateus (Mt 9,27-31)

Naquele tempo, partindo Jesus, dois cegos o seguiram, gritando: “Tem piedade de nós, filho de Davi!” Quando Jesus entrou em casa, os cegos se aproximaram dele. Então Jesus perguntou-lhes: “Vós acreditais que eu posso fazer isso?”

Eles responderam: “Sim, Senhor”. Então Jesus tocou nos olhos deles, dizendo: “Faça-se conforme a vossa fé”. E os olhos deles se abriram. Jesus os advertiu severamente: “Tomai cuidado para que ninguém fique sabendo”. 31Mas eles saíram, e espalharam sua fama por toda aquela região.


Data – 04/12/2020


Leitura do Livro do Profeta Isaías (Is 29,17-24)

Assim fala o Senhor Deus: Dentro de pouco tempo, não se transformará o Líbano em jardim? E não poderá o jardim tornar-se floresta? Naquele dia, os surdos ouvirão as palavras do livro e os olhos dos cegos verão, no meio das trevas e das sombras. Os humildes aumentarão sua alegria no Senhor, e os mais pobres dos homens se rejubilarão no Santo de Israel; fracassou o prepotente, desapareceu o trapaceiro, e sucumbiram todos os malfeitores precoces, os que faziam os outros pecar por palavras, e armavam ciladas ao juiz à porta da cidade e atacavam o justo com palavras falsas. Isto diz o Senhor à casa de Jacó, ele que libertou Abraão: “Agora, Jacó não mais terá de envergonhar-se nem seu rosto terá de enrubescer; quando contemplarem as obras de minhas mãos, hão de honrar meu nome no meio do povo, honrarão o Santo de Jacó, e temerão o Deus de Israel; os homens de espírito inconstante conseguirão sabedoria e os maldizentes concordarão em aprender”.


Evangelho de Jesus Cristo + segundo Mateus (Mt 9,27-31)

Naquele tempo, partindo Jesus, dois cegos o seguiram, gritando: “Tem piedade de nós, filho de Davi!” Quando Jesus entrou em casa, os cegos se aproximaram dele. Então Jesus perguntou-lhes: “Vós acreditais que eu posso fazer isso?”

Eles responderam: “Sim, Senhor”. Então Jesus tocou nos olhos deles, dizendo: “Faça-se conforme a vossa fé”. E os olhos deles se abriram. Jesus os advertiu severamente: “Tomai cuidado para que ninguém fique sabendo”. 31Mas eles saíram, e espalharam sua fama por toda aquela região.



Datum – 04/12/2020


Lesung aus dem Buch Jesaja
Jes 29, 17-24

Nur noch kurze Zeit, dann verwandelt sich der Libanon in einen Garten, und der Garten wird zu einem Wald.
An jenem Tag hören alle, die taub sind, sogar Worte, die nur geschrieben sind, und die Augen der Blinden sehen selbst im Dunkeln und Finstern.
Die Erniedrigten freuen sich wieder über den Herrn, und die Armen jubeln über den Heiligen Israels.
Denn der Unterdrücker ist nicht mehr da, der Schurke ist erledigt, ausgerottet sind alle, die Böses tun wollen,
die andere als Verbrecher verleumden, die dem Richter, der am Tor sitzt, Fallen stellen und den Unschuldigen um sein Recht bringen mit haltlosen Gründen.
Darum – so spricht der Herr zum Haus Jakob, der Herr, der Abraham losgekauft hat: Nun braucht sich Jakob nicht mehr zu schämen, sein Gesicht muss nicht mehr erbleichen.
Wenn das Volk sieht, was meine Hände in seiner Mitte vollbringen, wird es meinen Namen heilig halten. Es wird den Heiligen Jakobs als heilig verehren und erschrecken vor Israels Gott.
Dann kommen die Verwirrten zur Einsicht, und wer aufsässig war, lässt sich belehren.


Aus dem heiligen Evangelium nach Matthäus
Mt 9, 27-31

Als Jesus weiterging, folgten ihm zwei Blinde und schrien: Hab Erbarmen mit uns, Sohn Davids!
Nachdem er ins Haus gegangen war, kamen die Blinden zu ihm. Er sagte zu ihnen: Glaubt ihr, dass ich euch helfen kann? Sie antworteten: Ja, Herr.
Darauf berührte er ihre Augen und sagte: Wie ihr geglaubt habt, so soll es geschehen.
Da wurden ihre Augen geöffnet. Jesus aber befahl ihnen: Nehmt euch in Acht! Niemand darf es erfahren.
Doch sie gingen weg und erzählten von ihm in der ganzen Gegend.

[:zh] [:fr] [:ar] [:it] [:pb] [:pt] [:de] [:in]  [:ru] [:kr]  [:ca] [:ro] [:ja]
[:cy] [:de] [:hu] [:et] [:el] [:fi] [:ru] [:tr] [:ua] [:lt] [:vi]  [:et] [:sv] [:nl] [:hr] [:el] [:sk] [:fi] [:pl] [:us] [:en] [:]



A reading from the Book of Isaiah
IS 29:17-24

Thus says the Lord GOD:
But a very little while,
and Lebanon shall be changed into an orchard,
and the orchard be regarded as a forest!
On that day the deaf shall hear
the words of a book;
And out of gloom and darkness,
the eyes of the blind shall see.
The lowly will ever find joy in the LORD,
and the poor rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.
For the tyrant will be no more
and the arrogant will have gone;
All who are alert to do evil will be cut off,
those whose mere word condemns a man,
Who ensnare his defender at the gate,
and leave the just man with an empty claim.
Therefore thus says the LORD,
the God of the house of Jacob,
who redeemed Abraham:
Now Jacob shall have nothing to be ashamed of,
nor shall his face grow pale.
When his children see
the work of my hands in his midst,
They shall keep my name holy;
they shall reverence the Holy One of Jacob,
and be in awe of the God of Israel.
Those who err in spirit shall acquire understanding,
and those who find fault shall receive instruction.



From the Gospel according to Matthew
MT 9:27-31

As Jesus passed by, two blind men followed him, crying out,
“Son of David, have pity on us!”
When he entered the house,
the blind men approached him and Jesus said to them,
“Do you believe that I can do this?”
“Yes, Lord,” they said to him.
Then he touched their eyes and said,
“Let it be done for you according to your faith.”
And their eyes were opened.
Jesus warned them sternly,
“See that no one knows about this.”
But they went out and spread word of him through all that land.


banner santi.jpg
Date 04 December
The Saint of the Day presents a daily calendar of Saints remembered by the Church. The pages feature the stories of the great witnesses of Christian life through the centuries, lighting our way on our journey of faith.




John of Damascus bore a well-known name in his native city: Mansur, his Arabic surname, was the name of his grandfather who had been a minister for the Emperor Heraclius. After the Muslim conquest of Syria, his grandfather and father served the caliph as government functionaries, notwithstanding the fact that they were Christian. Some sources say that John, too worked for the caliph before he heard a low, insistent call in his heart. Perhaps he remembered the Christian monk who tutored him in his youth. Whatever the reason, John left his job and his wealth and became a monk at the monastery of Mar Saba, outside Jerusalem. He prayed, fasted, studied the Scriptures, and listened to God. In listening, he also heard the growing suffering of the People of God.

The iconoclastic controversy

For centuries, the Church had prayed with icons, or holy images that recalled the Lord’s life and the lives of the saints. But a growing tide of iconoclasm, or hostility to images, threatened this ancient practice. The Byzantine Empire was crumbling, hard-pressed by the imageless Muslims to the East and South. Whether that or other pressures were the cause, some began to rail against the use of images. Bowing to an icon was idolatry, they said. It took away from the adoration due only to God. John heard these murmurs with perturbation, feeling in his heart that such words could not be from God. But when Emperor Leo III ordered the destruction of sacred images throughout the Byzantine Empire in 726, John’s perturbation became decisive action. The monk took up his pen as if it were a spiritual sword, or perhaps a torch with which to illumine this darkness.

“God visible in the flesh”

John wrote three treatises, a “defense against those who attack the holy images.” Ironically, he was protected by the fact that he lived in Muslim territory, for from there he could speak freely against the Emperor’s policies. What came forth from his pen was an impassioned defense, not merely of sacred images, but of the Creator who did not think it beneath him to take on our flesh. God cannot be seen, John wrote, and yet the invisible God emptied himself, taking on a body, a face. From that moment on, “I have seen the human form of God, ‘and my soul has been saved.’” It was God himself who opened the door for us to make the “journey into sacred symbols,” for he was the first to show us that matter can make visible to us the very life of God.
Only God is adored. But we venerate material images, for the Son of God himself sanctified matter when he was born in the flesh. Or as John writes in words full of a piercing insight into God’s love: when I bow down before the holy images, “I do not venerate matter, I venerate the fashioner of matter, who became matter for my sake … and through matter worked my salvation. ‘For the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.’”


John fought with his pen, and this was also the way that he praised. For his defense of images was that, after all: praise of the almighty God who humbled himself so far as to make himself seen in the flesh, praise of the Creator of matter who imparted a share in his glory to the work of his hands. Praise, too, of the Mother of God who bore him in her heart, and praise of the saints who received a share in his life. “All that is yours, we venerate,” John writes, as the treatise finally becomes untrammeled prayer, “your servants, your friends, and above all the Mother who gave birth to you.”
The monk John of Damascus, a writer and a poet who composed hymns still used in the Byzantine liturgy, died around 750. He did not live to see the end of iconoclasm, but the Church did not forget what he wrote. At the Second Council of Nicaea in 787, his position was vindicated and the holy images restored. St. John Damascene is revered in both East and West as a Doctor of the Church.




Los Ángeles, oficialmente Ciudad de Los Ángeles y de manera abreviada L. A., es la ciudad más poblada del estado estadounidense de California y la segunda ciudad más poblada de Estados Unidos. Tiene, según el censo de 2010, una población de 3 792 621 habitantes.​ Está ubicada en el sur de California y abarca una superficie de 1215 km².

La ciudad es el centro del área estadística metropolitana de Los Ángeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana y del Gran Los Ángeles que, según el censo de 2010, sumaban una población de 13 y 18 millones de personas, respectivamente. Es, por tanto, una de las mayores áreas metropolitanas del mundo​ y la segunda de Estados Unidos.​ La ciudad también es la sede del condado de Los Ángeles, uno de los condados más poblados y étnicamente diversos del país;​ la propia ciudad de Los Ángeles es reconocida como una de las metrópolis más diversas del planeta. A sus habitantes les corresponde el gentilicio «angelinos/as».

Los Ángeles es una ciudad global con gran influencia en ámbitos tan diversos como los negocios, el comercio internacional, el entretenimiento, la cultura, los medios de comunicación, la moda, la ciencia, los deportes, la tecnología, la educación, la medicina o la investigación. En la ciudad tienen su sede instituciones de renombre que abarcan diversos campos profesionales y culturales, y es uno de los motores económicos más importantes de Estados Unidos. El área estadística combinada de Los Ángeles sumaba en 2008 un producto regional bruto de 831 000 millones de USD, el tercero más importante del mundo tras Tokio y Nueva York.​ Los Ángeles, dentro de la cual se encuentra Hollywood, es líder mundial en la creación de producciones de televisión, videojuegos, música y cine que triunfan en todo el planeta. Además, la ciudad ha sido sede en dos ocasiones de los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano, en 1932 y en 1984, y lo será por tercera vez en 2028.





Con la colaboración de:

Ana Patricia Arenas

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